I need to write down some happenings before we start apartment duty. We're on secondary/phone duty for two weeks in a row starting this friday. I've seriously been dreading it for the past month. One week is draining... two in a row is going to be rough. Not to mention we haven't been on secondary duty since before Des was born. It's going to be interesting trying to manage with two kids. I'm bracing myself.
I keep reminding myself of how grateful I am for our job. Every time we're on duty I have to repeat in my mind "This is worth it. This is worth it. Free rent in LA!" And every time our duty week comes to an end I am so glad we don't have to pay rent while getting through school. It really is the best job we could have right now... probably the only job we could have in our situation. It's a blessing... it's a blessing...
Anywho, this past week Des hit two major milestones; solid foods and crawling... sort of. He's been pushing himself up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He is so proud of himself. When he gets up on his hands and knees he'll look up and smile at me as if he's saying "look how strong I am mom!" It's so stinking cute. He doesn't really move on his hands and knees yet though. To get around he drops down to his belly and slides along the ground by pushing his feet. Sometimes his face will slide across the floor (rug burn!) He can get across the living room scooting on his belly so technically we have a mobile baby!
On Saturday, Nathan did the honors of feeding Des his first meal that wasn't breast milk. Des hasn't taken a bottle since he was three weeks old (he decided to refuse anything but the real deal) so I think Nathan was really looking forward to feeding him. He was totally ready to eat solids. The second Nathan lifted the spoon to his mouth he leaned forward and chomped it. I think he's been waiting for us to feed him with a spoon for weeks.
In other news, Moses got really sick after our ward beach day on Saturday. It started out as a fever but he woke up with a rash on Sunday. We're pretty sure it's Hand Foot and Mouth because the rash is the worst on his hands and feet. He started getting red bumps in his mouth yesterday too. The fever is gone and he's been acting happy the last couple of days but he still can't play with his little friends because of the rash. Hopefully it will go away without getting worse!
Today we went on a walk and played soccer at Mar Vista. I wanted to get him out of the house but I couldn't take him around other kiddos soooo soccer it was! We had fun kicking his little ball around. There's construction going on at the Mar Vista Elementary school so we watched a tractor for about 30 minutes too. Whatever keeps him entertained! It's always fun to see what Mose finds interesting. We walked past several bike racks on our walk today. Every time we did he stopped and played on it for a few minutes before we could keep going. I love that he has so much fun exploring every day objects. It makes me appreciate everything a little more than I would otherwise. Just another reason to love Mose!
I could learn a thing or two from Moses' outlook on life. He has a talent for finding the fun/good in every situation. I didn't teach him that! Something to remember as we head into our two weeks of apartment coordinator duty...
I keep reminding myself of how grateful I am for our job. Every time we're on duty I have to repeat in my mind "This is worth it. This is worth it. Free rent in LA!" And every time our duty week comes to an end I am so glad we don't have to pay rent while getting through school. It really is the best job we could have right now... probably the only job we could have in our situation. It's a blessing... it's a blessing...
On Saturday, Nathan did the honors of feeding Des his first meal that wasn't breast milk. Des hasn't taken a bottle since he was three weeks old (he decided to refuse anything but the real deal) so I think Nathan was really looking forward to feeding him. He was totally ready to eat solids. The second Nathan lifted the spoon to his mouth he leaned forward and chomped it. I think he's been waiting for us to feed him with a spoon for weeks.
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Des kept trying to eat his bib. At one point he started crying because he was getting so frustrated with it! |
Today we went on a walk and played soccer at Mar Vista. I wanted to get him out of the house but I couldn't take him around other kiddos soooo soccer it was! We had fun kicking his little ball around. There's construction going on at the Mar Vista Elementary school so we watched a tractor for about 30 minutes too. Whatever keeps him entertained! It's always fun to see what Mose finds interesting. We walked past several bike racks on our walk today. Every time we did he stopped and played on it for a few minutes before we could keep going. I love that he has so much fun exploring every day objects. It makes me appreciate everything a little more than I would otherwise. Just another reason to love Mose!
Moses can make anything fun! |
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